
VMAX empowers government bodies by developing customised applications and programs using IT & Mobile Communication solutions. Our solutions have proven track record of increasing the efficiency, transparency and speed in the process while being flexible, easy to use and offer citizen friendly experience. Few of our currently used modules are
  • Online Databank management System

    Store your important documents, proceedings, notifications, G.o’s in digital format and trace or share them in quick time

  • Works Management System

    Keep track of all your current and past works with their complete information with query based reports, statistics as and when required

  • Grievance Redressal System

    Receive grievances form citizens via online or offline methods with acknowledge number to each and process them internally with tracing mechanism and alerts at every stage

  • File Management System

    Manage various files and their movement in departments and current status, actions, responsible persons, turnaround time for efficient processing

  • Citizen Charter Monitoring System

    Provide timely and efficient citizen services through our citizen charter monitoring system and maintain transparency and accuracy in service delivery

  • Post Monitoring System

    Manage all posts received in office and move them to respective departments and the status of the action with reports and statistics


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